Learn Robotics with IncredimindsIncrediminds goal is to bring Project based Experiential Learning to our education system using Robotics, IOT, 3D Printing and other 21st…Mar 30, 2021Mar 30, 2021
Learn RoboticsEmpower your child with the skill of next generation with IncredimindsMar 30, 2021Mar 30, 2021
importance of robotics for kidsRobotics is the intersection of science, engineering and technology that produces machines, called robots, that substitute for (or…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
RoboticsWord robot was coined by a Czech novelist Karel Capek in a 1920 play titled Rassum’s Universal Robots (RUR). Robot in Czech is a word for…Mar 12, 2021Mar 12, 2021